Tuesday, December 5, 2006

Common Mistakes in Pursuit of Your Dream

Hopefully you are well on your way to starting your own business making an income from home. If you are still unsure about whether this is a dream you can actually achieve, then read carefully. If you have gotten started, read carefully.

You don’t have to give up on your dream, just avoid these common mistakes, so you can build a successful business.

1. So often we hear people say that they have TOO LITTLE CASH.
We won't lie to you and say that you can start your own home-based business for pennies. As the old saying goes, “It takes money, to make money”. If you have a dream of owning your own home-based business then you need to treat it like a business. Of course, we know you will need a computer and your basic office supplies. The idea of “too little cash” on hand often stops some people dead in their tracks from pursuing their dream. Be realistic about ...

To read entire article, Click Here!


Anonymous said...

Hi Robin.Very informative.Thanks.
Alexander Lodi

Anonymous said...

Hi Robin,
Thanks for the blog.Very informative on things we need to hear constantly to keep ourselves in check.
Alexander Lodi

Robin said...

Thank you Alexander for the kind comments. Please scroll to the bottom of this page and sign-up to be notified of updates to Robin's Reality if you wish!
